
Dilutions Cheat Sheet for Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap

castile soap

Update May 2022 —I’ve added a few uses to both the Sal Suds and Castile Soap Cheat Sheets. Plus: All four Cheat Sheets are now available in Spanish! (See the side bar to download or print.)

Dilute! Dilute! OK!* But how much? Here is a quick reference. None of this is a hard and fast rule. If your stuff is really dirty or your water is really hard, then you may want to use more than the recommended amount. However, this should get you started. You’ll notice that for some applications, I recommend pre-diluting the Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap—combining the soap with water in a container. For other applications, the soap is diluted by the water present in the situation. It’s a matter of personal preference. Keep in mind that if you predilute, you are also diluting the preservation system (tocopherols – vitamin E), so the shelf life drops. Use within a couple weeks. And yes, there are 18+ uses here.

* Long time Dr. Bronner’s users will remember this expression from the old labels.

Body Uses

Face: 2-3 drops on wet hands, applied to wet face.

Body: One small squirt on wet hands or washcloth, applied to a wet body.

Foaming Pump Dispenser: Dilution of one part soap to 3 parts water.

Wipe-Off Castile Body Wash Spray: Use when running water isn’t an option due to illness, large cast or bandage, or when hiking, camping, etc. Combine 1 ½ tsp. (7.5 mL) soap and 1 c. (240 mL) room temperature water in a spray bottle. Spray body wash lightly on skin, and wipe with a wet (not dripping) cloth. Dry skin.

Makeup Removal: Wet face and lather several drops of soap into hands. Massage into skin. Rinse.

Hair: A couple drops for close-cropped hair or up to ½ Tbsp. (7.5 mL) for long hair, either worked directly into very wet hair or pre-diluted in a cup of water. Follow with a capful of Dr. Bronner’s Citrus Organic Hair Rinse diluted in one cup (240 mL) of water or dilute apple cider vinegar in half with water.

Bath: Completely depends upon water amount, but approximately 2 Tbsp. (30 mL) soap in an average sized tub. (Doesn’t bubble, but still cleans.)

Shaving: Face—10 drops; Underarms—3 drops; Legs—½ tsp (2.5 mL); Work to a lather in wet hands, apply to area.

Teeth: 1 drop on a toothbrush. (Yes, it tastes like soap.)

Oral Appliances: Removable retainers, nightguards, etc. & dentures: Wet device. Add 1-2 drops of soap to a soft toothbrush. Brush gently, then rinse.

Foot Bath: ½ Tbsp. (7.5 mL) in a small tub of hot water.

Clearing Congestion: 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) Peppermint or Eucalyptus Castile soap in a bowl of steamy hot water. Breathe in mist with a towel draped over the head.

Household Uses

Dishes (Handwashing): Pre-dilute 1:10 with water. Squirt on a scrub brush. Alternatively, add 1-2 Tbsp. (15-30 mL) Castile Soap in a large sink of water. Use a small squirt of soap for one pot, or more if needed. To avoid water spots in hard water conditions, dry dishes by hand.

Laundry: 2–4 Tbsp. (30–60 mL) for HE washers. Add ½ c. (120 mL) vinegar to the rinse cycle. Optional: For whitening/deodorizing, add ¼ c. (60 mL) baking soda to wash cycle. Double these amounts for standard washers.

Handwashing Delicates: 1 capful (1 Tbsp. or 15 mL) Castile Soap in about 1 gallon (4 L) cold water. Swish gently. Let soak 10 minutes. Swish again. Rinse with clean water. Gently press out excess water with a towel. Hang or lay clothing flat to dry.

Mopping (Wood, Laminate, Vinyl, Stone & Tile Flooring): 2 ½ Tbsp (38 mL) of soap in 1 gallon (4 L) of hot water. Dunk mop (microfiber, preferably) and wring thoroughly. On wood and laminate, avoid excess water and mop up wet areas.

For smaller areas, add 2 tsp. (10 mL) Castile Soap to a quart (1 L) of water in a squirt bottle.

All-Purpose Cleaning Spray: ¼ c. (60 mL) soap in a quart (1 L) of water in a spray bottle. Optional: For extra microbial punch, add ¼ tsp. (1.25 mL) tea tree essential oil. Use on any surface that is safe in contact with water-stone countertops & tile; wood (painted or sealed, not waxed); plastic toys and such; stainless steel; sinks & toilets; and more!

Windows: 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) soap in a quart (1 L) of water in a spray bottle. Spray and squeegee. Follow up with pure club soda, or half vinegar/ half water and squeegee.

Toilet: Predilute 1:4 with water in a squirt bottle. Add ¼ tsp. (1.25 mL) tea tree oil. For best results, empty toilet. Spray or squirt 2-3 drops of Castile Soap directly on toilet brush. Sprinkle baking soda on the brush, scrub bowl, let sit 10 minutes, turn water on, flush.

Other Uses for Liquid Castile Soap

Fruit & Veggie Wash: 1 dash (approx. ¼ tsp.) in a bowl of water. Dunk produce and swish. Then rinse in clear water.

Dog Washing: Wet dog thoroughly. Massage in enough soap to create a good lather. (Amount varies based on size, hair type, and overall dirtiness.) Really massage it in down to the skin. Your dog will thank you for it. Rinse thoroughly.*

Cleaning Makeup Brushes: Wet the make-up brushes in water. Add 1-2 drops soap to the bristles. Massage in gently for 10+ seconds, then rinse. Repeat as needed until water runs clear.

Plant Spray for Bugs: 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) in a quart (1 L) of water. Optional: Add ½ tsp. (1.25 mL) cayenne pepper or cinnamon. Spray plants twice daily in the cool of the day until infestation clears.

Ant Spray (Not on plants): ¼ c. (60 mL) Tea Tree Castile Soap in a quart (1 L) of water. (This concentration will burn plants.)

I’ve tried to keep this short and sweet. If you have any questions, please ask away!

Not sure when to use Sal Suds or when to use Castile Soap? Head over to my blog post, Sal Suds or Castile Soap—Which to Use?

If you’re interested in using the Castile Bar Soap for house cleaning, check out my Bar Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet.

Further reading

*Avoid using the Tea Tree scent to wash your pets, as tea tree oil can be toxic to them.

This dilution and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Hoja de Dilución

Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido


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Helen Thompson says:

What is the dilution rate for scale on plants please.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Helen- For an insecticidal soap, add 1 Tbsp. Castile soap to 1 quart of water. As it only kills insects when wet, be persistent and apply a couple of times a day for several days. Trimming infected branches, as well as introducing beneficial insects such as ladybugs, will also help.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Maalik- I am happy to say we do not have many roaches here in southern CA, so I have not tried it. I wouldn’t think it would work, as the Castile doesn’t have an effect on all insects. If you give it a try, I’d be curious to know how it went.

Lori Croft says:

Hi I have tried several of the Castile soaps and really love them. I have very sensitive skin, a little eczema & recently a small patch of dermatitis on my face…the Peppermint Castile soap has been so soothing & healing. Are there any other products you would recommend?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori- I’m glad you’re liking the Castile soaps! I recommend our Unscented Magic Balm for dry spots and tough skin. The Peppermint essential oil is intense and many find it to be drying, especially on the face. If you’re finding that to be the case, we have received very positive comments regarding our Unscented Baby Mild Castile and Tea Tree Castile soap from our customers with skin issues such as eczema.

Deana Tommaselli says:

Hi I saw a YouTuber using Dr Bronner’s Castile soap to clean makeup brushes. I gave it a try and WOW it is amazing and I am hooked. I have been using it for several months now. I was wondering if I can use the Castile soap in the dishwasher? I saw the cheat sheet you have for handwashing dishes so I was wondering about the dishwasher.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Deana- That’s great that you gave the Castile a try on your makeup brushes! While the Castile soap is incredibly versatile, I do not recommend using it in a dishwasher. It bubbles up too much and can leak through the seals.

Cleaning Stone with Castile Soap & Sal Suds says:

[…] Castile soap and 1 qt. of water.  Spray the surface and wipe with a damp microfiber cloth.  For mopping, use 1/2 c. of Castile soap in a 3-gallon mop bucket.  Use a damp microfiber […]

Will says:

For hand-washing travel laundry in a sink, how much liquid soap should I use? Let’s say in half a gallon of water.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Will- Use 1/2 capful of Castile in about 1/2 gallon of water. Adjust accordingly for more water. Happy travels!

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps - Organic cruelty-free muti-purpose liquid soaps - Be Healthy Now says:

[…] You have to keep in mind though that Dr. Bronner’s soaps are highly concentrated and you should use them diluted. Lisa Bronner has created a little guide to help you with dilutions, check it out here. […]

Sheila Valenti says:

I’m about to engage in a lifestyle change of omitting as much plastic use as possible and thoughts I would switch to using Dr. Bonner’s products. Do you sell any of your products in no plastic containers?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sheila- Good for you for reducing plastic! Our bar soap labels are made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper, and are fully recyclable. While glass can be a great alternative to plastic, because our liquid soaps are used in wet and slippery environments, it is not a viable option for us. But all of our liquid soaps come in 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) polyethylene (PET) plastic bottles. This “bottle-to-bottle” recycling – the recycling of plastic bottles into new bottles – is fairly uncommon. Most often the plastic picked up on curbsides is “downcycled” and shipped to countries like China, where it’s used to create synthetic fabrics and such, and then shipped back to the U.S. for sale. Bottle-to-bottle recycling closes this loop and reduces green house emissions and saves landfill space. For more information on our company commitment to the environment, see #5 of our Six Cosmic Principals, which guide how we do business, at

Kathy Billings says:

Hello…I was told you could purchase your soap and put in a pump bottle to make foaming soap for hand washing. I bought 18-in-1 hemp baby unscented, pure Castile soap and 3 pump bottles but I have no clue on how to make the foaming soap. Could you please tell me how? Thank you.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kathy – The ratio you want for the foaming pump is one part soap to three parts water. You can add a couple of drops of a pure essential oil for scent if you’d like, but that’s optional. Also, be sure to use a foaming pump dispenser. In a non-foaming soap pump, the soap can clog and then squirt out in all directions, even if diluted.

Karina says:

How do I use this for laundry? I add the detergent separate from the clothes before starting the machine. Instructions say to add vinegar only at a certain point, I don’t think I can do that. Is it ok just to pour this in from the bottle and let the machine do the rest?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Karina- You don’t want to add the vinegar in directly with the Castile soap (more on that here, Add vinegar into the fabric softener compartment or manually during the rinse cycle. If your washer doesn’t allow for either of these, then run an extra rinse cycle with vinegar. But if you have soft water, vinegar isn’t necessary. And if you do have hard water, you might prefer Sal Suds because it doesn’t react with minerals in water the way Castile soap does.

Theresa says:

Is there a dilution for when you use the liquid castile soap to wash your hands? I’ve seen the dilution for face 2-3 drops but, is it the same dilution ratio to just wash your hands?
Do you need to dilute it at all, and is it okay to pre-dilute it and put it in a hand pump dispenser so it is easier for children?
I’m new to all of this, but Dr. Bronner’s soap is the first one I’ve found that I don’t have an allergic reaction to.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Theresa- I’m glad you found us! You can use 2-3 drops straight from the bottle or you can dilute it 1:3 in a foaming pump. Whichever works best for your family.

Elizabeth Applegate says:

This cleaner has saved my carpet a number of times it gets everything out. I love it.

Abbe M says:

Hi Lisa!
I know this post is older, but hoping you’ll see this. After I use the castille soap as a body wash (and I just use a small amount) my skin feels tight and often itchy. I’ve tried different scents and baby mild. Is this normal? Do I just need to make sure I moisturize post shower? Or am I having some sort of reaction. Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Abbe- It sounds like you might have dry skin. I typically use the Castile liquid soap, but this time of year I find myself turning to the Organic Sugar Soap for added moisture. The organic white grape juice and sugar are natural humectants, and draw moisture into the skin. If you want to add in a lotion, I suggest our Organic Lotion. The organic coconut, avocado, hemp & jojoba oils are nourishing and moisturizing to the skin.

Abbe says:

Thank you so much for your speedy and informative reply! Are the sugar soaps ok to use as shampoo as well (in conjunction with the conditioning rinse)? Thanks again!

Lisa Bronner says:

Yes, for certain! It can be used on all hair types, but it’s especially good for thick or dry hair.

isci says:

best castile soap ever made!! we need the messages i. the bottle now more than ever before!

Cindy says:

I recently started using castile soap to make hand soap and dishwasher soap. The first couple loads in the dishwasher I was raving about how clean my dishes were. Now it seems to be leaving a waxy finish on my dishes. 🙁 Not sure what’s going on.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Cindy- My guess is you have hard water and the Castile soap has interacted with the minerals in your water to leave that film. I don’t recommend using Castile soap in a dishwasher. I know that people do it, but I have found that if your water is the slightest bit hard, it’s going to leave a film of minerals on your glassware and dishes. You can dissolve that film (also known as soap scum) with a mix of half water and half vinegar. Sal Suds doesn’t have the same reaction with hard water, so you might prefer that for handwashing dishes and general cleaning. But it also shouldn’t be used in the dishwasher because it’s too bubbly. Dishwasher soap is high on my list of products I would like to see us make. We haven’t figured it out yet.

Verity says:

Just an inquiry I noticed your Castile soap had sodium laurel sulphate isn’t Dr. Bronner petrochemical free? Thank you

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Verity- SLS does not, and never has, appeared in any of our soaps because the saponified vegetable oils in our Castile soaps are much better for our skin and can be certified organic. SLS is synthesized (read “man made” or “processed”) even though it does have a coconut base. It’s not made from petroleum, so its not a petrochemical though. You will find SLS in Sal Suds, our household detergent, because its a mild, effective cleaner, makes loads of suds, and is biodegradable. SLS can be irritating to skin and should be avoided in personal care products. For more on SLS, take a look at my blog post:

Keanya Knowles says:

My grandmother use to use this soap on me as a child. I remembered it the moment I seen it in a store. I was so excited to use it on myself and family that I have come to realize that this soap is apart of my family. Thank you for keeping generations together through a simple hair wash, teeth brushing, and a long free bath that makes for a great nights sleep

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Keanya- I’m glad you found us in the store to share with the next generation of your family. Thank you for sharing!

Heather says:

Hi. Can I pre dilute the soap into a body wash so I can put it in a pump bottle? What would be the dilution formula?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Heather – We don’t recommend that you put the Castile in a regular pump dispenser because it tends to clog and squirt out in unexpected directions, even if you dilute it. However, it does work well in a foaming pump dispenser diluted at a ratio of 1 part soap to 3 parts water.

Heather says:

Thanks so much!!!! One more question!!! On your page it talks about shelf life… I want to make the soap into liquid laundry detergent… which is diluted with water, what would the shelf life be? I would probably use a container in about a month

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Heather- I personally don’t dilute the soap for laundry. I just pour either the Castile soap or Sal Suds straight into the washer. But I have found that the All Purpose Spray lasts at least a month, probably longer, but I run out of it before then. I’d expect it to be the same with your laundry detergent dilution. If it is smelling “off” to you, then dump and remake. The shelf life of our soaps undiluted is at least three years.

Diana Precious Moments Montessori Preschool Daycare says:

Our laundry soap lasts about 2 -3 weeks when we make it. I would say 1 month is just too long once you introduce bacteria to the soap through adding the water. I would make enough for 2-3 weeks. I have made dry laundry soap and wet laundry soap. I prefer wet for its ease of breaking down in the washer. We use dry homemade laundry soap for our preschool and we use wet soap for our home. For the business it is cleaner to throw the dry soap into our commercial washer directly, I grate a bar of Dr. Bronners into the batch of dry ingredients. The dry does not go bad for months only the wet laundry soap batches, so if you are looking for longevity go with the dry laundry soap.

Gayla R. says:

I want to mix a spray for hard water deposits on my shower doors with Sal Suds. What do you recommend?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Gayla – Sal Suds cleans away a multitude of things, but hard water deposits is not one of them, unfortunately. You need either a mild acid or a scouring agent to tackle those. For a spray, start with a mix half water and half vinegar (which also happens to be my window cleaner), and up the concentration if needed. You may need to put some elbow grease into it with a scrubby cloth. While not necessarily convenient on a glass door, you can also scour with a paste of water and baking soda or make a GIY Soft Scrub with the Castile soap or Sal Suds. Here’s the how-to for the soft scrub:

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kimberly – The Castile soap doesn’t work great as a bubble bath, although it is still able to clean when added directly to a tub of water. The soap clouds the water because it reacts a bit with the minerals in hard water. Although there’s no harm in using it in a bath, and we’ve done so many times at our house.

Kimberly D Miller says:

Will it make bubbles? I dont care about it clouding the water,or cleaning..I got it to make my own scented bubble bath.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kimberly – No, the Castile soap doesn’t make much in the way of bubbles. I think if you added glycerin it would help, but I have never given it a try.

Jeffrey says:

Hey you have to have a foam pump dispenser for hand soap ? And how much do you dilute for hand soap ?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jeffrey – We don’t recommend using the Castile soap in a regular pump dispenser because it tends to clog and squirt out in unexpected directions, even if you dilute it. However, it does work well in a foaming pump dispenser diluted at a ratio of 1 part soap to 3 parts water. Another option is our Sugar Soap, which comes in a pump dispenser.

My low waste toiletry kit - Update | by MATEJA KORDIC says:

[…] You can find dilutions cheat sheet for Dr.Bronner’s Castile Soap here. […]

Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet says:

[…] is a lot of overlap here with the Castile Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet because the products can often be interchanged. It is largely a matter of personal preference, but […]

Rastas Naturales | ¡Nos encanta el jabón mágico de Dr. Bronner´s! says:

[…] puedes encontrar recetas y disoluciones para usar los jabones? En esta web creada por Lisa Bronner’s encontrarás varias recetas y medidas para las disoluciones. Está en […]

Angela says:

Quick question when making the laundry detergent what is the easiest way to dissolve the baking soda and kosher salt. I have to shake it up every time I get ready to use it.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Angela- Salt dissolves in water just fine, but baking soda doesn’t. Instead, it is temporarily suspended in the water before eventually settling to the bottom.

Diana says:

I have never had a problem with dissolving, I simply throw it in wash, dry mix and or liquid, and the machine does the shaking. Haven’t had issues with not dissolving thus far.
Hope this helps.

Laura says:

Do you have to put the vinegar in the rinse cycle? I never know when the rinse cycle is, and I usually don’t stick around while the wash is going…


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Laura – No, you sure don’t! More often than not, I don’t use vinegar. But if your washing machine has a fabric softener compartment, you can put it in there.

Laura says:

Hi, I’m wondering if it is unsafe to use large amounts of the soap on hair or body? I understand that a small amount can be effective, but is using a large amount without diluting harmful?

Karen says:

Lisa why is there sodium laurel sulfate in so many products? Can’t it be substituted with a healthier ingredient?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Karen – The reason SLS is added to personal care products is that it is both inexpensive, which manufacturers like, and really bubbly, which consumers like. A great substitute is, of course, a natural soap like Dr. Bronner’s.

Using Soap to Test for Hard Water says:

[…] test isn’t even included as one of the “18-in-1” uses for the Castile Soap.  Consider it a […]

Bonnie says:

wanting to mix up a spray to put on my plants before I move them back inside, please.
Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Bonnie- It sounds like you’re looking for an insecticidal soap recipe. Add 1 Tbsp. of Castile soap to a quart of water in a spray bottle. Cayenne pepper, garlic or cinnamon (that might be nice this time of year!) can be added as well. Spray to coat the whole plant several times a day for a few days. You might find my post on this topic helpful as well.

Diana says:

I use a small amount in a spray bottle about 1 teaspoon per bottle. Shake it up really good then I rinse them to bring them in at our preschool.

Angela says:


Can you use the citrus castile soap to make detergent for dishes and laundry?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Angela – You sure can! It would be nice clean scent for both of those!

Dorthy Salinas says:

My questions regarding your product strictly for a body wash, with 1 part soap to 3 parts water based on one of your previous posts:
1. How long is the shelf life ?
2. Please explain more about loosing the preservative effect from diluting.
3. What side affects or signs, smells will I notice?
4. Will it be harmful for the body in any way?
5. At what point will I need to throw it out once I see, smell or feel the expiring of the diluted body wash?
6. I don’t intend on getting any soap in my eyes, but is your soap more harmful to eyes than others if some should accidentally get in our eyes?

Thank you so much!!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Dorthy- Lots of great questions here! Our Castile Soap has a guaranteed shelf life of three years when undiluted. Although you certainly can dilute (or pre-dilute) our Castile soap when using it as a body wash, there’s no need to. Just a couple of drops in your hands or on a washcloth is all you need. It’s highly unlikely a dilution will turn bad, but if it does, your nose will be the first to let you know. The color may also start to change. In that case, it won’t be harmful to the body in any way, although it will no longer be effective. If you want to err on the safe side, consider replacing any unused pre-diluted body wash after one year. And because I know first-hand that soap-in-the-eye does happen… it is not harmful to eyes, but like with any soap, it is irritating and should be rinsed out.

Diana says:

In our experience I do not make more than I can use in a month. There are a few times that I have seen a bit of mold growing in the foam bottles that I accidentally stored in the back of the closet. It did not smell like it had gone bad at that point so it was likely fine to use. When that happens I pour the whole bottle in the bath tub and use it for scrubbing it clean. Then it doesn’t go to waste. This is likely from introduction of bacteria in the water I fill it with. I also do not always completely rinse out the foam bottles so it could be introduced that way as well. I would assume if you wash out the foam pumps very well, sanitize and then refill with distilled or bottled water straight from a new bottle of water it will probably keep for the whole year but I am not quite that thorough.

We use the foam at our home and at our daycare / preschool. It is by the far the best because it rinses easy and if the kids don’t scrub as well as they should it still does the job. Regular hand soap really needs the scrubbing to be effective. Castile soap cleans and rinses much easier. Not to mention it’s natural. Best option all around!

Catherine M says:

Hi Lisa, I tried washing the floor with the tea tree castile soap and hot water. It was way too sudsy even though I thought I used just a little soap and it left streaks on the floor. Are you meant to go over it again with water to remove the streaks? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Catherine – I’m sorry that happened to you! I typically use 1/4 cup soap in 3 gallons of water. If it’s too sudsy, you can certainly use less soap. You shouldn’t have to mop up an excess bubbles. But if you have hard water, that could be culprit as the minerals in hard water interact with the Castile soap. If that’s the case, our Sal Suds is clean rinsing and doesn’t interact with hard water. It’s just 1/2 Tbsp. in 3 gallons of water.

Robbie says:

Any suggestions for killing termites? I just cringe using those insecticides but you can’t let these little guys live!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Robbie – A Castile insecticidal soap will kill any termites it comes in direct contact with, but if you’re seeing them around your house, you may have a serious problem and need to call a professional.

CuriousE says:

Do any help with situations like hidradenitis suppurativa? The tea tree one maybe?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi CuriousE – I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Yes, the Tea Tree Castile soap would be a good option. Tea Tree essential oil is known for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. While it won’t cure the condition, it will help soothe skin and minimize symptoms. If you find you need more moisture than our Castile soap, try the Tea Tree Sugar Soap.

CuriousE says:

I will call it minor to somewhat moderate so it’s not as bad as some conditions I’ve seen but I’m keeping in mind that the situation just started March of this year so it’s all pretty new to me. It’s a little annoying and somewhat painful but not as unsightly as it can really get. I plan to use the t’s tree liquid castile soap in addition to Omega-3 pills as well as Turmeric w/ black pepper pills. I hope it doesn’t worsen because I don’t want to have to go the Humira route or any of the surgical routes. I’m 31 and not sure why this suddenly started. Thanks for the fast response.

Jacqueline M Kail says:

Hi Liza, I have purchased Andrea which is for hair growth and it says to put 10 drops into 100 ml of shampoo which is 3 ml. How much of the soap would I use to get 100 ml of the shampoo?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jacqueline – Our Castile soap is more concentrated than conventional shampoo, so you will want to dilute it to 1 part soap to 2 parts water and then add the oil.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori – Truthfully, my favorite way to kill weeds is to pour plain boiling water or salted boiling water on them. If it’s a large weed, you can cut the top growth before pouring the water. You’ll just want to pour carefully from a height of just a few inches to avoid any splattering of that hot water.

Amy says:

Is it possible to dilute Castile liquid soap to make a hand soap? I’ve read that people buy foam pumps, and it works. What would be the dilution?

Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Amy- You can use a foam pump dispenser with a ratio of 1:3. Alternatively, you can use our Sugar Soap which comes with it’s own pump. No measuring and mixing required!

Diana says:

I use one part soap to 4 parts water. But it is thick. You can make it to your liking.

Kym says:

Your peppermint liquid soap was the only thing that gave me relief during a terrible bout with poison ivy/ poison sumac poisoning. Ahhhhhh..thank you!

Foy says:

This message is for Amy. I find the pumps I use are from Bath and Body Shop’s. I make my own by putting about a 1/4 of an inch of Peppermint to the rest water in a 8.75 fluid oz. bottle. Another way to look at it is how strong you want the peppermint to be. Remember this oil is very concentrated so it doesn’t take much of the product.

Claire says:

Hi Lisa,

For laundry, you suggested 1/3 – 1/2 cup of soap, i just purchased a 475ml bottle of soap, wouldnt that be used up in approximately 4 rounds of laundry?

Just want to confirm as I thought the castile soap is concentrated and hence need a small amount (10-30ml) each time only. Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Claire – You’re correct, the Castile soap is 2-3 times more concentrated than other soaps, but the Sal Suds is even more concentrated and this is what I use for our everyday laundry. You just need 1T Sal Suds (15ml) for an HE washing machine or 2-3T for a top-loading machine. Here’s my post about laundry with Sal Suds: I use the Castile soap for washing bedding – it’s great for this. Here’s more on that:

Chante NYQUIST says:

Hello, I like the cheat sheet but I want to know how to make bottles for just shampoo, just hands and face, and just body wash separately. So I need to know how much soap and water per 8oz bottle please.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Chante- I personally don’t pre-dilute the Castile soap for personal use (although I do for cleaning around the house), but if you wanted to pre-dilute for your hair, you can mix up 1/2 T in 1 cup water per use. Face and body are so simple, I just use a few drops out of the bottle for each use with my washcloth and hands, respectively. One option for hands, face and body would be to either use a foam pump dispenser with 1 part soap to 3 parts water or try one of our Sugar Soaps that come with a pump. Either of these options are especially handy next to a sink where you might wash your hands and face most often.

Sheila Naphan says:


Your reply to Clothilde dated July 3, 2018 contained inaccurate information. “The initial “c.” stands for “cup” which is a standard measurement of 16 fluid ounces”. In fact, 1 cup is 8 fl oz not 16…the 240 ml amount is correct.

I just purchased/received via Amazon, the pure-castile soap with tea tree and was looking for uses.

Lisa Bronner says:

You are so right, and I’ve edited my response as such. Thanks for catching that!

Anna says:

I’m hoping to use your product as a hand wash in a pump dispenser. Should I dilute it with water? Or just tip it straight into the dispenser?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Anna – We don’t recommend that you put the Castile in a regular pump dispenser because it tends to clog and shoot out fast in unexpected directions, even if you dilute it. However, it does work well in a foaming pump dispenser diluted at a ratio of 1:4.

Sharon says:

How come this says 1:4 and in other places you recommend 1:3? Has this dilution rate been challenge tested?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sharon – I’m glad to see you’re reading through the comments. Lots of helpful stuff in them! Both dilutions work equally well – it’s simply a matter of personal preference.

Clothilde De Munter says:

Hello Lisa

Thank you for all the information but I’m French (hard to find your product in ?? btw!) I’m using the metric system so I’m having trouble getting the right amount for the dilutions.
Could you add the conversions?
Another question, you have written that Castilles soap and Vinerger do not mix well together however you recommande using vinegar in the rince cycle…. I’m confused.


Lisa Bronner says:

Hello Clothilde – Thank you for reminding me that I should include metric in my recommendations for our many international customers! The initial “c.” stands for “cup” which is a standard measurement of 8 fluid ounces. This converts to approximately 240 mL. The initial “Tbsp” stands for tablespoon which is is about 1/2 fluid ounces or 15mL. You are correct that Castile soap and vinegar do not mix, however, when used in the rinse cycle, following the wash, it acts as a fabric softener.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Theresa – Yes, possibly, but it truly depends on what kind of wood you are wanting to clean. I did a whole post a couple of years back on cleaning with wood. Take a look, and if you have any questions not answered here, please feel free to reach out again! Here’s the post:

I Tested Out the 18 Uses Dr. Bronner's Soap Claims to Be Good For - Fashion Beauty Guide says:

[…] want to dilute the solution based on what you’re using it for. Here’s a handy cheat sheet to refer […]

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lorraine – Thank you for bringing up your concern about Palm Oil. I’m often asked about the irresponsible production of palm oil which has been truly decimating to animal habitat and the environment. We share this concern. The vast majority of palm oil used in food and body care products is sourced from southeast Asia with devastating results. I am happy to say that there are ways to produce palm oil that do not have this impact. In searching for options, we partnered with small scale farmers in Ghana and founded Serendipalm, a sister companies, that is producing palm oil in a way that promotes health not only to the environment and farmers but also to the communities around it. Please read more about it here:
And here’s a video of our work in Ghana Sustainable Palm Oil: The Difference Fair Trade Makes.
As for why we use Palm Oil, it has special qualities that make it ideal for use in our bar soaps: when saponified it gives our bar soaps hardness and stability, while maintaining a smooth and emollient lather, qualities which we have simply been unable to match using other oils.

Carly says:

With the 1:10 dilution for dish soap, is it supposed to get sudsy? Or is it just supposed to clean without the bubbles? I’m new to this and I just want to make sure that I’m using it correctly! I also have hard water if that makes a difference.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Carly – Your suspicion is likely correct in that hard water can affect the amount of sudsing of the Sal Suds. You can increase your concentration a little bit to get some more suds going if you like. But, as you surmise, Sal Suds does get the job done even without a lot of bubbles.

Grace says:

I’m having the same issue. I’m also not able to get the soap to cut through the oil that I am trying to get off my dishes and it just seems to be spreading the oils to all of the dishes that I am trying to clean! I have restarted with fresh water and soap three times now! Absolutely no suds anywhere in sight. How can I get it to cut the oil, and not re-deposit it onto the rest of the dishes? Thanks

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Grace – Usually the Castile soap is great at cutting grease. Try increasing the concentration. If you have hard water, give the Sal Suds a try as it doesn’t react with the minerals in hard water like the Castile soap does.

L Darlene Walters says:

I used Sal Suds to wash my dishes for years til I got my dishwasher. I still use Sal Suds to hand wash a few things that can’t go in the dishwasher. Also, Sal Suds mops my floors, and I use it asap on food spills on clothes. It’s a great all purpose cleaner

Rhonda Fink says:

Dr. Bronner products are the BOMB… BEST EVER!!! Thank God you formulated these wonderful products.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rhonda – I agree!! It’s great to hear your enthusiasm and support. Thanks for sharing!

My Top 10 Healthy Beauty Swaps • Rebecca LeVander says:

[…] all-purpose pure castile soap.  This is an all-purpose soap with many uses.  Here is a cheat sheet listing the uses and dilutions.  I personally use it for a body wash, in my foaming hand soap […]

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Hoja de Dilución

Jabón Puro de Castilla Liquido