I like Mondays and I like mornings. Complaints about Mondays and mornings are so ubiquitous and clichéd that I assume this sentiment isn’t the norm, but my reason is simple: they’re new be [...]
13 products a day with 169 unique ingredients. That’s the average number of products and ingredients each of us use every day. And most of us don’t give them a second thought.
They’re p [...]
I recently underwent a crash course in the legislative process I didn’t know I needed.
My days are generally pretty low key. I work from my semi-rural home in San Diego County, res [...]
How many times have you asked yourself, “How can I incorporate more bubble fun into my life?” Just me?
It’s probably something in my blood. After all, my dad-the-inventor’s profession [...]
I grew up in Glendale, California, a sleepy suburb bordering Los Angeles’s northern edge. It was a great place to grow up, but rarely hits the eyes of outsiders, sandwiched as it is betwee [...]
A funny thing about this video is that in the brief time between when I filmed it and am now writing this intro, my household has gained yet another puppy! So now the score stands at three [...]