
I Wash My Face with Castile Soap

“Enjoy only 2 cosmetics: enough sleep and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap.”

While there may be many things on my grandfather’s label that are rather enigmatic, this statement is as straightforward as it gets. I would only add a third element: drinking plenty of water. When it comes to a clear complexion, this has been my recipe.

For about 15 years I ran in circles trying to clear up my complexion. Between acne and general redness, I was fighting a losing battle. As a teenager I tried all the big name products: Noxema, Neutrogena, Clean and Clear, Cetaphil, various salicylic acid ointments, even Estee Lauder and Clinique. When I entered college, I sought professional help and used prescription Retin-A and Erythromycin. After that I used Dermalogica products. None of these were a long-term solution. I just lived with the acne, covering it up as I could.

When I began answering the customer service emails for Dr. Bronner’s, I decided I needed to be trying out for myself the solutions I was offering to customers. One of the most common topics dealt with using the Castile Soap to promote healthy skin plagued with acne, eczema, psoriasis, and general redness. My recommendation was to wash with the Tea Tree Pure-Castile Soap, or to use the Unscented Pure-Castile for general irritation or for sensitive skin.

Now I can say from firsthand knowledge: this stuff really works. My skin has never been more resilient.

In this age of specialization, the idea of using one product on hair, face, and body sounds pretty naïve. But experience speaks.

I began using the Tea Tree Pure-Castile Soap on my face twice a day. I found that it removed make up easily and completely. The soap will even remove mascara. After a week, my blemishes were disappearing and no new ones were forming.

At first, my face did feel tight after I washed. I think this was due to the change from the intense facial washes I had been using, as well as the creams, masks, and who-knows-what-else. (Not even I remember all that I had applied.) So during the early months I also used the Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Coconut Lotion—a very lightly scented, lightweight moisturizer. It was just right.

At a month out, my skin was smooth, my color was more even. With all that I had been through, I was somewhat astounded that the answer was so simple and had been right there in front of me—quite literally—for much of my life. (Not my whole life since Tea Tree Castile Soap wasn’t introduced until my later childhood.)

I’ve also discovered a pretty direct correlation between the amount of sleep I get, the amount of water I drink, and the condition of my skin. During crazy times, when sleep dwindles to 3-4 hours a night (bear in mind I have three young kids), my tiredness breaks out all over my face. When junky treats creep in to my diet and water creeps out, my face tells that story as well.

Now, several years later, I still wash with Castile Soaps. I don’t need the lotion any more except when the crazy Santa Ana winds sweep across California in the Fall.

In summary, here’s my technique:

  1. I wet my skin with warm water.
  2. I take about three drops—yes, three drops—of the Tea Tree Castile Soap and lather it up on my hands. If you’re a Castile Bar Soap user, lather up the bar soap on wet hands or washcloth. 
  3. Then I rub it on my face in gentle, circular motions, taking extra time where my make up was and on historically problematic areas. I do not use a washcloth or scrubbie of any sort. I find that it irritates my skin.
  4. However, as the label emphasizes, keep the eyes closed. Let me say that one again, Keep the eyes closed.*
  5. I rinse my face with warm water in my hands with about five splashes.
  6. I dry by blotting my face with a towel.

As I’ve said before, you have to figure out what works for you, and perhaps you need to be more vigorous or more gentle than I have been. It’s a bit of trial and error, but be persistent. It’s completely worth it.

Further reading

This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

Download Now!

Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Bar Soap Cheat Sheet

Bar Soap aficonados, this one's for you!


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tess says:

hi lisa! i just want to ask if the tea tre variant can be used by small children (ages 2 and 5)? my kids have skin asthma so i wanted to try out dr. bronner’s in the hopes that castile soap would agree with their skin. my first choice would have been baby mild but this is not available where we are. so i really want to try the tea tree version but i’m a bit worried that it may be too harsh. your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

Karen says:

Hi Lisa,

Can any of your products help me remove pipe tobacco stains? I rented my house out – no smoking was part of the lease but they dishonored that and now the house is covered, every square inch, with horrible brown stains and a literally nauseating smell.

I’ve tried a vinegar/dawn solution but it barely touched it. I will pain with a shellac-based primer but want it as clean as possible first.

I just purchased a bottle of your pure castille soap (wish the store had lavender, but I have peppermint).

What do you think? Thank you for your time. Regards, Karen

Jessica says:

Hello! I’ve been using the Dr. Bronner’s rose Castile bar soap for my body and hair for the past couple weeks and I love it! I wanted to begin using it on my oily, acne probe skin. Do you think this soap will be alright to use? Thanks!

Nica says:

Hi! I have been looking for the perfect acne-reducing solution for ages. Is the Tea Tree Pure Castile Soap okay for 13-year-olds? You see, my sister has acne-prone skin and I’m afraid it’ll get worse as she matures. I have tried everything: Cetaphil, Avalon Organics Facial Cleansing Gel, Dove soaps, Pond’s, Dickinson’s Witch Hazel Toner, Lactacyd Baby Bath. None worked. I feel bad for my sis so I keep looking for the best remedy.

Joss says:

Hey Lisa I been dealing with adult acne bout for a year now I try ever thing out and nothing has not work for me I like to go organic and natural cna u please help me on that

IanM says:


I have been diagnosed with Rosacea and have been on antibiotics for some 6 months now. My nose and cheeks are inflamed and a bit sore and the rest of my face goes bright pink regularly. Stress appears to be a major factor. My scalp is also itchy, pink and sore, although not flaky. Much of the time my facial skin does seem a bit greasy.

I am aware that Rosacea is a complex condition and is more than anything else an indication that there’s something not quite right on the inside. However, I understand that excessive sebum may be a contributing factor to my condition, if not the actual cause, in that this then gets consumed by bacteria whose by-products then produce the inflammation. If so, removing the excess sebum could then in theory starve/remove the bacteria and help the skin to heal.

Does this make sense? If so, which of your products would you recommend please?

many thanks

B says:

I’ve been using Dr. Bronner’s for my face, body, and hair for the last couple of months. I am pretty happy so far. It’s definitely no worse than many other products I’ve used and it feels better using products containing ingredients that I understand. It also tends to keep the shower cleaner for longer.

For my face, I was a bit shocked at first. I first used the Peppermint and my skin was instantly dry and flakey afterwards. However, I persisted and it doesn’t get as dry now. I do use the lotion afterwards though. I have since switched to Tea Tree. It is winter where I am and that is playing a part.

I tried the Eucalyptus once and it made my face instantly red. I thought I might have had a reaction to it so I tried the Baby Mild and that did the same believe it or not. So far Tea Tree and Peppermint haven’t caused any problems, but indeed Peppermint is more drying of the two.

Sofia says:

Hey Lisa, great to find ur blog I’m a newbie to Bronner’s!!!

Problem:I have combination skin ,pores around my nose and forehead are kind of big and black .even the oily skin here can be slightly peeling everyday. +I don’t make up at all

I haven’t used shikakai peppermint oil on my face yet ,does it helps if me scrub the pores(oily part) a little harder and longer than my dry chin??
would you recommend put more lotion on the dry part or oily part of my face?

about my body: my chest and upper back is a little oily with tiny …ACNE??? Any thing you recommend?


Jade says:

Hi, so I finally used the baby mild bar soap and I believe my face broke out. 🙁 It’s rough and annoying to see pimples on my cheeks. COuld it be the bar soap is not ment for me? Am I doing something wrong for my face?

Thanks. Jade

Julie says:

I am really considering and planning on getting the tea tree soap. The lotion I’m unsure because I know for my face I need things that are oil free. Would it be oil free?

Ashley says:

Hello! I am new to your soaps and have done a lot of research;) I noticed you said you have used the soap on your face… How does it work effectively if it is a higher ph then our skin? I have extremely sensitive skin, prone to acne, rashes, lots of redness and facial flushing. The dermatologist didn’t think it looked like rosacea, and it probably isn’t… I just get so discouraged with my complexion, probably more so being married;( I have the baby mild liquid Castile soap and have used it to wash my hands and body. I’m breaking out, but that’s nothing new. I don’t know if it’s hormones, the soap, or detox from oil pulling… Like I said though, I’ve always had skin issues since puberty. I’m now 27. I really want to try it on my face again, but it felt like it left a film. I’m trying to cut out tons of ingredients out of my skincare and use healthier products…. Unfortunately, makeup is kind of a must for me. What is the best way to use it as a makup remover? I’m so sorry that I’m rambling! Just so tired of nothing helping for more then a short time. I should be more concerned with other more important things, but my skin has always been a discouraging subject;( Do u have any advice?

Rosemary (Scotland) says:

I would just like to say that I just finished my usual natural face moisturiser and didn’t have a back-up, so I tried the Lavender & Coconut Hand & Body Lotion on my face. Well I have to say, it works a treat – my skin feels very soft and smooth. I’m going to keep using this to give me an idea if it is still as good in a month’s time and if it is, I will keep using it, then all I need is one moisturiser for hand, body and face.
Thanks for all your wonderful products.

marshall says:


What is good for wrinkles on face? Also I started using cocunut milk and dr bronners peppermint on hair it works good.
Can i use that on face too?

Jade says:

Hi there. I wanted to know if using the dr bronner baby mild bad soap would be ok for the face? I have eczema on the face and I already have the bar soap as a body Wash. Would it dry my face out or cause acne or any other negative effects? I’m so bummed with eczema on the face, makes me stressed and very sad. 🙁

Sam says:

Hi Lisa,

I have the Dr. Bronners Lavender Liquid Castile Soap. I applied a little bit of it on my body with warm water and it dried my skin out so badly that I could see like all the white flakes on my skin. How is this a natural soap when it dries our skin? Seems like it is so acidic and harsh.

Nicole says:

Hi Lisa,

I am a 25 yr old African American woman and I have been struggling with acne since I can remember. Way before I was even in middle school. Through the years it just got worse to the point where I broke out on my entire body from head to toe. I even would get breakouts in my inner ears. I’ve tried just about every product that is supposed to help including Proactive I used the original and the new formula thinking it would help and I would get little to no results. I am so frustrated its embarrassing and I do not know what else to use. I read about Dr. bronners and I learned that some people have had great results in clearing their acne by using the products. I don’t get many breakouts on my face now but I do have some stubborn ones that just do not go away as well as scars from previous breakouts. My ENTIRE back is covered in acne and acne marks and I still get breakouts and it’s so embarrassing I don’t show my back at all and I keep it covered even in the summer. I also have what I believe is KP but I am not sure if its just a bunch of ingrown hairs on my legs. This has been there since hs and I always figured it was from using razors so I switched to Veet. I don’t have irritation or redness much on my legs but those bumps are everywhere. It’s so embarrassing I haven’t worn skirts, shorts, spaghetti straps or anything that would show my legs or my back. I even noticed the same ingrown like bumps on my abdomen around my navel. I don’t know what to do about that either. I read that some people saw clear ups for their KP using Dr. bronners. But I also learned from doing research that some products may not work the same on African American skin. I can’t remember why I think it had something with the pigmentation and the layers if the skin being darker. I am tired of struggling with this, I do not have money for a dermatologists and I am trying to find something different. It’s embarrassing wearing jeans in 90 degree weather or a light jacket to cover my back and legs I want to feel pretty again and wear skirts and shorts and dresses in the summer like I was able to in the past. Please help me. I know I would have to go to a dermatologist maybe but I am not sure when I will have the money to go and I want to at least find something to help until I can. I currently use Dove soap for my body and st. ives apricot scrub for my face and i do wash my face twice a day and in the summer if I’m sweaty or oily sometimes 3. Would Dr. Bronners products work for my skintone. I have a milk chocolate complexion. I would say the same complexion as Gabrielle Union maybe a slightly lighter. Also I do not wear any makeup at all because I am scared I will breakout or make my condition worse. I do use witch hazel as a toner and palmers coco butter lotion. Thank you in advance for your help.

Chandra says:

Hi Lisa,

My boyfriend just purchased the Lavender Coconut lotion for use on his face after I read about it here on your blog. I just tried it for the first time tonight (after cleansing with the Almond liquid soap) and I must say it feels WONDERFUL on my skin. However, I am not really a fan of the scent of lavender, so that eliminates two of the lotion options, nor do I like the smell of patchouli, which eliminates a third. Do you think the peppermint scented lotion would be too harsh/drying for use on acne prone sensitive-ish skin? If so I will stick with the lavender coconut and just bite the bullet on the scent, already after one use I love the way my skin feels! It eliminated any of the slight tightness I feel after washing with the soap without being greasy or too heavy. My skin feels soft and silky!

Emma says:

Hello there, the other day I came a store that carries the all one help tea tree bar soap. When I was 15 I noticed a dry spot on my skin within the next 6 months my arms and legs were covered in patches. Doctors have been prescribing creams upon creams and nothing helped. I moved to the shore and my skin cleared up. I was never told about diet or really how severe it could get. After I had my son patches started to reappear , and when I was pregnant with my daughter they came back completely. I’m 26 years old and the only area I don’t have psoriasis is my scalp hands and feet… I have changed my diet moved back to the beach trying to do every natural way to clear my skin up. ive been reading reviews about this soap and I really think this will help even just a little relief will be great. Tonight will be the first time using it is there anything else you could recommend? Thank you for your time.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rachel – You aren’t the first to ask about this. The only reason the Dr. B’s castile soaps would be irritating is if they are left in contact with the skin. In this case, any soap or detergent would be irritating. They need to be rinsed with plain water. I can’t comment as to how Dr. Bronner’s differs from other castiles without knowing the brands, but our unscented Baby Mild is very gentle. There’s a good overview of how our soaps are made on the Dr. Bronner’s website:

Hi Torry – The Dr. B’s unscented Baby Mild castile soap does not have any essential oils. All of the lotions do, because it is required by law that any product with alcohol also have essential oils. However, I have found that the pure coconut oil on my face at night makes a fabulous facial moisturizer that lasts through the next day. Definitely give it a try. And, yes, you can dilute the castile soap about 1:4 or so to use in a foaming pump dispenser.

Hi Steph – I very much understand all you’re going through with life-long acne. It is so troublesome! If you’ve just switched from conventional products to Dr. Bronner’s, your skin is definitely in a period of transition. For acne, I do recommend the tea tree soap, and I found the liquid did the job for me. You may also need a moisturizer for a while as your skin recovers. The Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Coconut lotion is great for the day, and for a wonderful deep moisturizing, try the pure coconut oil at night.

Hi Katie – Pure essential oils can affect pregnancies, and I have looked into this topic myself during my three pregnancies. The essential oils are present in our soaps at a 2% concentration. I contacted researchers on this topic, and the concern is really when essential oils are left on the skin for extended periods of time, such as in a lotion. With a soap, which is rinsed off after a very short period of time, and with such a low concentration, there isn’t a risk from this to a pregnancy. However, if you still have concerns, Dr. Bronner’s does have the unscented Baby Mild soap, which contains no essential oils.

All the best,

Katie says:

Hi Lisa, thank you for this very helpful blog. I read the comments about the almond scented soap’s scent actually being derived from the cassia tree. I have been researching essential oils, as my husband and I are trying for a baby. Cassia oil is almost always on lists of essential oils to avoid while pregnant; however I have not come across a site that provides a clear reason why it is not reccommended and I’ve been a little confused. The cassia oil I’ve been researching is derived from Cinnamomum cassia and is also referred to as chinese cinnamon. The bark is where the oil comes from. Is this the same cassia oil in the almond scented soap? If so is its approximate dilution in the bar soap well under 1%? Thank you again, I’ve been telling everyone about this blog, hoping to get them to switch to castille soaps!

Steph says:

I just started using Dr bronners- unscented baby milk bar soap and my skin feels very tight and dry and flaky. It’s also sore, which I believe is due to the dryness. I have been using the peppermint castile soap on my skin in the shower, and actually find it less drying then the unscented bar soap.

Please help, should I stick to the unscented bar soap on my face, or try the liquid soap instead?

I have been suffering from acne from 15 or so years, and at the point where I’m entering my 30’s and I’m tierd of the acne, I want to get rid of it so I can work on my acne scars. Just fear that If i don’t get control of my acne I will continue to get more acne scaring.

I’ve tried everything, Retisol- A helped for the most part, but was very drying- and I’m really looking to keeping my body free from as many toxin’s as possible now.

If you could let me know what you think I would appreciate that.

Torry says:

Hi Lisa,
I have sensitive skin and would like to try your products for cleansing my face. I am also sensitive to many essential oils. What do you recommend? Is there a lotion with out essential oils available that I could use as a facial moisturizer?

Also, I am wondering if any of the liquid soap can be mixed with water and used in a foaming soap bottle for hand washing?


Rachel says:


I recently received a tip about using a couple drops of Dr Bronners peppermint castile soap mixed into a feminine hygiene cleansing regimen. Traditionally when I have tried other castile soaps my very sensitive skin has not reacted well at all. I have never tried the Dr Bronners brand and was wondering if this might be the brand that I might come to love? Just wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about the way castile soaps are made and what might have previously caused my skin to react badly (in a body wash form)? Are there any ingredients that differ in the Dr Bronners formula? Thank You!

gunyuz AUS says:

Idid enjoyed your Blog .I’m from Australia (Queensland -Brisbane)could you tell me where can I purchuse your castille-soap whole-sale prise please.I’m qualified Aromatherapist the castill-soap I.m getting is Castill-coconut, I’ll like Castill-olive oil if possible.

best regards

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Heather – I am sorry to hear about your discomfort! It is always possible that you are allergic to something in it, but there’s nothing in it that you probably haven’t encountered elsewhere. Check out the ingredients here: My guess is that there is a great difference between the castile soaps and the other products you were using, the biggest being is that the castile can be more drying especially at first and especially during winter months. My personal favorite follow-up when I need it is pure coconut oil or the Lavender Coconut lotion.

Hope that helps a bit!

All the best,

Heather K. says:

Hi, I know this is an old blog, but I figured it was worth asking anyway… I started using Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castille Soap in the Almond scent and since then I have had horrible itchy bumps form on my arms and legs. I was thinking I may be allergic to something in the soap. I love the scent and the idea of using more natural products, but I had to switch back to my Suave and Tone soaps because I was itching myself to death! I have used Jergen’s Daily Moisture body lotion daily for years and I continued to use it with the Dr. Bronner’s. I may continue to use the soap on my face since I didn’t have any issues there. Any help would be appreciated!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Rufus – The liquid Tea Tree pure castile soap is a great starting place. This one product has cleared up so many different skin situations, but especially acne. I recommend this even over the Tea Tree bar soap. Give it a two week try and see how it goes. Let me know either way!

All the best,

Rufus says:

Hi Lisa, I’ve had acne (ranging from mild to ocassional large/cystic ones) for many years and always suffer from post-inflammation hyperpigmentation. Recently I bought two tubes of Avene Triacneal to clear my skin. I also use Avene Clearnance K in the morning, and an Avene moisturiser with both products to “dilute” them. I would loathe to throw away these products as I purchased them recently, although if the soap can cure my acne I may just give my Avene products away!

I’m thinking of getting a castile soap to try, so what would you recommend? My skin is a little sensitive, but I find bar soaps inconvenient. Is it possible for me to cut up one of the castile bar soaps and boil it to make a liquid face wash? TIA.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Carolyn – I use the liquid soap as it has more of the essential oil, but either would work well. The bar soap is slightly more moisturizing.

Hi Kristen – Many people like the Shikakai better because it is more moisturizing (even than the bar castile). Personally, I like the feel of the castile better, though. That’s a personal preference. You should give it a try and let me know how it goes.

The difference is that the castile is a simpler soap, with a couple saponified oils, a couple oils added for moisture, an essential oil for scent. The Shikakai is based on the castile but to make it more moisturizing, it contains Shikakai powder, sucrose, and white grape juice. It also doesn’t dry out in a pump, unlike the castile. I’ll do a more thorough blog on this one of these days.

All the best,

Kristen says:

Hi I just bought the Hand & Body Shikakai Soap – lemongrass lime & lavender — are either of those good for washing my face? I do have sensitive acne prone skin. What is the difference between the castile & the shikakai? Thanks.

Carolyn says:

Hi lisa,
Are you referring to the tea tree castille liquid or bar soap? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Chasity – I recommend that you start with the Tea Tree castile soap. This is the best option for clearing up skin. This is what I used during my bad skin times. It works really well. Later you can work up to the peppermint if you want.

Hi Elaine – Yes, the tea tree would be a great option for you.

Hi Ember – Tea Tree for you, too. The scent of it is a little unusual, but it is very effective.

Hi Delia – Yep, Tea Tree for you, too. The Tea Tree really balances out skin types. If you told me your skin is super sensitive and cracks or something, I would have said go milder, but for normal or oily skin, the Tea Tree is a great option. The peppermint is really intense and it may contribute to your skin’s redness.

Hope that helps!

All the best,

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sky – When it gets really dry, such as now in the winter, our faces kind of freak out. The skin overcompensates and goes into overdrive in the oil production department, clogging all the pores. (This is a very unscientific explanation.) It is very important to clean the skin carefully of all make-up and oil build up, but also to use a moisturizer. So you don’t want to dilute so much that you don’t end up cleaning your face fully. Use your regular dilution. (I don’t pre-dilute for my face and use 3 drops of soap if I’m wearing make-up.) However, it is also important to moisturize your face to bring it into balance. Unfortunately, so many commercial products have fragrances or alcohol that will irritate dry skin. I have found that using a little pure coconut oil on my face at night helps to bring it into balance. Coconut oil is too heavy for daytime wear, but is a great almost mask at night.

All the best,

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Carly – Did you give it a try? How did it go? I hope it helped tremendously!

All the best,

delia says:

Hey Lisa 🙂 I have been struggling with acne since I can remember(I’m 19). Every product that I have used didn’t help me improve my face. I even went to a dermatologist but didn’t like the idea of using so many products( after a year of using their products I gave up).I purchased the peppermint one of dr. bronner’s liquid soap since I have oily skin. I have only used it ones (it felt refreshing and soft for my skin). Which of the dr. bronner’s soap would you recommend me? I noticed that you recommend Tea Tree or the unscented baby mild for people that have dry or sensitive skin, but what could you recommend me since I have oily skin? Should I stick the peppermint?
Thanks for your time!!
P.S. hope you respond A.S.A.P!

Ember says:

I have battled acne since being a teenager. I am now 30 and I find my acne is worse than ever. I have tried EVERYTHING!! Murad, Proactive, Dermalogica, antibiotics, creams, etc. and nothing seems to work. I have heard great things about your soaps. Which one of your soaps would you recommend trying first? My face also tends to be a little red. Thank you!

Chasity says:

Hi Lisa,

I have combination skin, fragrance allergies and my chin is prone to acne and has left acne scarring. My friend who also has combination skin told me that she uses the Peppermint Castille soap and her skin in beautiful. We are both African American. I am interested in the Peppermint but I am not sure if it will be too strong but I am afraid that the Baby soap would be too mild. Currently I use a Clean and Clear Salicylic Acid face wash or the pro active system which seem to be the other things that work but I would to switch to something natural especially since I have allergies. I also wear mineral foundation on a daily basis (mostly to cover up my acne blemishes). Which castille soap would you suggest for my skin type and also to assist with clearing blemishes?

Sky says:

Hi Lisa,

I noticed that my face would breakout when it gets really dry. I just bought the unscented Baby mild liquid soap and would like to use it for a face wash and I was wondering whether a dilution of 1:8 (1 Castile liquid soap to 8 water ) in order to avoid getting dried out, would be good or should I dilute the soap some more?


Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap says:

[…] This article put me onto the idea of using Dr. Bronner’s Magic Pure Castile Liquid Soap as a face wash. The author claims that it removes her mascara just fine, but I haven’t tried it yet. I use petroleum jelly and a cotton ball to remove my mascara because I wear the waterproof kind. […]

Carly says:

Hi Lisa!! I am SO EXCITED! My 14 year old (and I-trying to heal it up 🙁 ) has been battling with acne for a while. I have tried just about every single recommendation I have found, her poor face is a mess with acne right now. I can not wait to run out to the market to purchase the Dr.Bronner’s with tea tree oil!! THANK YOU OH SO MUCH!!! 🙂

Deven says:

I struggled with terrible adult acne for about four years, did everything under the sun to correct it, and tried EVERY product out there. I randomly came across a post about people using this as face wash; so i thought why not try it (if it didn’t work out as face wash i could use it to clean the house!). MY SKIN HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER! I’ve also given up gluten which has helped tremendously, but the unscented Baby Mild pure castile soap has really made a big difference as well. And the bottle lasts forever! Now all i need is a good moisturizer and I’m looking forward to trying the coconut lavender product recommended here!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Deven – So glad to hear the castile soap has been such a help. I was on the same path as you. Let me know what you think of the coconut lavender lotion.

All the best,

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jamal – Thanks for the update! I’m so glad to hear the Tea Tree Castile has helped clear things up. The soaps do not need to be left on the skin for any length of time in order to be effective. In fact, if they dry on the skin they can cause irritation. Washing and then rinsing works great.

All the best,

Jamal says:

Hi, again!
First of all i wanna thank you for your answer for my question earlier, and that i have used the tea tree for a couple of weeks and it works really good i see good results of my acne being much lesser than i had before. But i have two questions about how long i should actually let the tea tree stay on my face before i wash it off and when i use the peppermint for my body should i let it stay/dry on my body a couple of minutes before i wash it off, and if so then how long. Appreciate your response as soon as possible thanks.

Sincerely, Jamal

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Monica – The lavender is a pretty gentle variety. I, too, felt the tightness when I first switched to castile soap. I used the Dr. B’s Lavender Coconut lotion for a while, but then my face seemed to acclimate to the soap. Now I don’t need anything. However, I don’t know what the effects of baking soda would be. I’ve never used it on my face, but I imagine it would be pretty scouring. It’s possible that everyday use is irritating your skin.

The Baby Mild is gentler, but you wouldn’t have the wonderful smell. Stick with the lavender for a little longer. Perhaps try reducing the baking soda washings. If you have some available, you can try out the Lavender Coconut lotion.

Keep me posted!

All the best,

Monica S.D says:

Ive been using the lavendar liquid soap and banking soda. So far ive been using it 4 3 days i like what i see but my face feels tight. Could it be because i switched from proactive to DR BRONNER’S my question is should i switch to baby mild?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Allison – Those sound like some great tips! Thanks for sharing them.

Hi Holly – I am sorry to hear that your son has been battling this so early. The Tea Tree is definitely gentle enough for him. The scent is very distinctive and might take some getting use to. Let me know how it goes.

Hi Carolyn – The unscented Baby Mild is definitely safe for use during pregnancy. Your skin will thank you – especially as your belly stretches. I found that using the pure coconut oil was very relieving on my itchy belly during pregnancy as well.

Let me know if I can be of further help!

All the best,

Carolyn says:

Hi Lisa,
I was wondering if the baby mild is safe for pregnancy and nursing? Thsnks so much!

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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