Dr. Bronner's

Sal Suds or Castile Soap – Which to Use?

sal suds or castile soap

I talk a lot about the exceeding versatility of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap and Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. There are so many overlapping uses. But is there any time in which they aren’t interchangeable? Yes, but just a few.

Castile soap is primarily designed for the body. The blend of oils (coconut, olive, palm, jojoba, and hemp seed) are designed to be the most nourishing to our skin. But wait, there’s more. Because it is such a beautifully simple soap, it also cleans many other things amazingly well, whether it’s your dog, your sinks, or your floors. You can find details of all these uses on this Castile Soap Dilutions Cheat Sheet.

Because Castile soap is a true soap, it reacts with the minerals contained in hard water. (Here’s my test to find out if you have hard water.) The more dissolved minerals there are, the “harder” the water. The reaction of soap with these minerals in the water leaves behind an insoluble film that’s commonly called “soap scum”. This term is a bit of a misnomer, because it’s not actually soap that remains, but a precipitate of minerals.

You’ll only notice this on shiny objects that are left to air dry. They will take on a whitish film. (Read my post on eliminating soap scum.) Also, absorbent fabrics like towels and cloth diapers will become stiff and lose their absorbency. (But laundry in hard water is still doable – Read more here.)

Enter Sal Suds. This is our household cleaner developed by my dad. Sal Suds doesn’t react with hard water. It rinses cleanly and leave surfaces sparkling. No more film on the tub or towels! For it’s multitude of uses, see the Sal Suds Dilution Cheat Sheet.

That’s all well and good, but I haven’t answered that initial question of what to use when.

Situations where I exclusively use Castile Soap

  • Myself – Head to toe.
  • My animals – Any Castile soap scent on my dog. Baby Unscented on my cat.
  • Pest Control – Only Castile soap has this ability to eliminate insects.

Situations where I exclusively use Sal Suds:

  • Dishes
  • Cars
  • Most Laundry – sometimes, as with bedding, I use Castile soap.

Other than these few cases, I reach for whichever is closer at hand.

Now you know what to use, but perhaps you want to know why?

Soap and detergent are both surfactants. The word “surfactant” is a portmanteau of “Surface Active Agent.” If you’ve ever done a belly flop into a pool, then you’ve felt the power of surface tension. Surfactants break through the surface tension of water and make water really soak in.

My brother Mike says: Surfactants make water wetter.

The second magical power of surfactants is that they make oil and water coexist. Which they don’t otherwise like to do. This is why you can’t just rinse oil off your hands. The water runs over the oil like it’s just not there. And it just doesn’t care.

Now brace yourselves – you’re about to learn some Greek!

Surfactants solve the oil/water repulsion because one end of each surfactant molecule is hydrophilic and the other end is hydrophobic.

Hydrophilic literally means “water (hydro) loving (philic).” This end of the surfactant molecule grabs hold of water. On the other side, hydrophobic means “water (hydro) fearing (phobic).” A little exaggerated perhaps, but this end grabs the oil.

But we’re not talking about just one. Surfactant molecules work in groups. In a solution, they float around looking for oil molecules and snag with those hydrophobic tails, totally surrounding each oil molecule so there’s no part of the oil molecule left exposed to water. This little nugget is called a micelle.

sal suds or castile soap

The outside of this micelle is now entirely hydrophilic, which means instant attraction to the passing rinse water which carries it all away.

It’s like they’re filling those oil molecules with a whole lotta love and reaching out and connecting them with their former enemy, those water molecules. And once they’re connected, they realize it’s not so bad. They can get along. They can hang out together. I think there’s a larger lesson here.

You still with me?

So they’re both surfactants. Now for some differences.

Soap is close to nature, made by a beautifully efficient one-step reaction of combining oil (coconut, palm, olive, jojoba, and hemp for our Castile) with a strong alkali such as sodium or potassium hydroxide (the first also known as lye). Out of this combo, you get soap, glycerin and water. Bam! No leftovers. No waste. Beautiful.

Detergents are more complex and must be synthesized. They were developed during the World Wars when the oils needed for soap were scarce. They can start with botanical substances (such as coconut oil for our Sal Suds) or with petroleum derivatives. And the uses of detergents is vast and wide.

Tidy as it would be, I can’t sum it all up by saying, “Soap good. Detergent bad.” That would be a gross oversimplification. There are bad soaps (not ours, of course) that are poorly made with bits of unreacted alkali floating around in them ready to saponify your very body. You become a walking bar of soap. Ouch!

And there are excellent detergents, such as our Sal Suds, which is super duper tough on grease and completely clean rinsing, yet mild, readily biodegradable.

So that’s a little bit more about the magic of cleaning and the beauty of chemistry.

Further reading

Sal Suds cleaner shows >60% biodegradation after 28 days per ISO 14593

This use and many more are in my book, Soap & Soul: A Practical Guide to Minding Your Home, Your Body, and Your Spirit with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, available now in hardback on or at your favorite bookseller, and as an eBook and audiobook (read by me!) from wherever you download or listen.  

Download Now!

Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


Download Now!

Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?


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Pam says:

Can Sal Suds be used on marble shower floors? If so, what dilution?
Do you think the fir needle oils in it could make someone cough? I read a couple places that others have had that reaction, as do I.
I love using it to clean though and I use Castile soap for bathing all the time. Great products!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Pam- The issue with natural stones like marble is that acidic ingredients, such as vinegar, can etch the stone. Sal Suds (and also our Castile Soaps) are alkaline and safe to use on marble. To clean, use All-Purpose Spray, which is 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds in a quart of water, spray and wipe with a damp cloth – or in the case of your shower, rinse with water. For a little more on stone, see my blog post here: I’ve not heard of the essential oils in Sal Suds to cause coughing, but our soaps can produce a fine mist when sprayed, especially areas that aren’t well ventilated. It’s not common, but sometimes these fine mist particles trigger bronchial cells in the lungs, causing a brief bronchial spasm and coughs. But know our soaps do not contain any toxic ingredients. If your spray bottle has the option, it may be helpful to set the nozzle so that the mist is not so fine. Holding the bottle close to the surface you are spraying would also help.

Angela says:

Hello! I love love love Sal’s Suds!!
My problem is I have Well Water.
It’s very hard and leaves a terrible Orange tint to everything that has prolonged contact to water, tub toilet etc..
The only thing I’ve found that works is a Rust Stain remover I get at Walmart and it’s dangerous and stinks. What do you suggest?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Angela- While I haven’t had this scenario myself, I think a combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide would be a good strategy. Sprinkle on the baking soda and then spray with hydrogen peroxide. Give it a scrub and let it sit for 10 minutes or so. Then rinse thoroughly. This would be best on white fixtures. Hydrogen peroxide can bleach some surfaces, so spot test this first.

Laura says:

Hi Lisa!

I know you mention you use the Sal Suds for laundry.

Would you recommend the unscented castile or sal suds for baby laundry?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Laura- Either work very well, but I prefer the Sal Suds. It’s excessively clean-rinsing, slightly better at whitening and brightening, and works equally well in hot or cold water.

Jeanne says:

Thank you for your informative blog on Green cleaning using Sal Suds! I’m confused about the ratio if I want to use it as an all-purpose cleaner. The dilution cheat sheet says to use 1 T. per quart of water, but the bottle says to use 1-1/2 tsp. per gallon (for general cleaning). I tried the 1 T. to one quart, and my counters were too soapy and left a slippery feel. Can I use less (say around 1/2 tsp.) per quart and would it still be an effective cleaner?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Jeanne- We’ve noticed this discrepancy as well, and are remedying it. If 1 Tbsp. Sal Suds is too much, feel free to cut back to an amount that works for you. Different types of water can have different effects on the dilution.

MapleX Naturals says:

Very useful read on the differentiating factors between the uses of Castile Soap and Sal Suds..

Mark says:

I am interested to know if Sal Suds are okay to use in houses that have private sewage treatment plants which use active bugs to break down the sewage and discharge potable water into a soakaway and onwards into the watercourse.
Many thanks ..

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Mark- Sal Suds is readily biodegradable and is safe for use in septic systems. It sounds like the parameters of your system may be similar to that of a septic system. Regarding making the waste water potable, or in other words drinkable, that would be a question best directed to the designer or manager of the water treatment system.

Amy says:

We refill our foaming soap dispensers (for years!) sigh a dilution. 1:3 or even less foams beautifully!

Also dilute Castile 1:3 or 1:4 in squirt bottle (from another brand) for kitchen sink.

Switching to 128oz bottle. Love Dr Bronners!

Melanie Shaw says:

I’ve seen you comment about not using Sal Suds in the dishwasher. I made a liquid dishwasher detergent recipe using Sal Suds diluted and using 1TBSP per load. We have hard water and It cleans my dishes so well. Since it’s diluted and made into a gel, would it be okay to continue using it on the dishwasher? I’ve never seen it make too many suds and it rinses clean. Thanks so much!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Melanie – That sounds super! Can you share the recipe here?

Francesca says:

Hi Lisa!! I was wondering if I can use Sal Suds is the dishwasher? Thank you so much!


Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Francesca- Sal Suds is great for many things, including hand washing dishes – but unfortunately, we don’t recommend it for the dishwasher. It is so bubbly that it can leak out the seams.

Sabrina says:

Just wondering what would you recommend if I use the sal suds for laundry detergent. What would make great softener, like vinegar?
Trying to find the best earth friendly as well as pet friendly antimicrobial option available.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Sabrina- Sal Suds does great work on laundry. Use 2-3 Tbsp. for a large load in a top loading washer. Optional is to add 1 cup vinegar to the softener compartment as a fabric softener. For grimy loads that need extra whitening/brightening, add ½ cup baking soda to the wash cycle. Halve these amounts for HE washers. I cover laundry in more detail in this post:

Andrea says:

Do you ever mix a little scented castile soap with sal suds for some scent for multi purpose cleaner?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea- Chemically speaking there are no adverse effects to the mixing the two. Adding a few drops of essential oil to Sal Suds is another way to create a custom scent.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Heather- No, Sal Suds only comes in the pine scent. I’ll pass along your request for an unscented one though.

Lovely says:

Got my very first 2 bottles (lavender and tea tree) of Castile soap! I’ve been trying to go green for few years now by using reusable items but failing with toiletries (I find some shampoos make my hair tangled up easily or dry etc. and some skin care aren’t well suited with my skin) and with cleaning agents since I tend to be overly germophobe so I always go for the “chemical” ones. BUT now I’ve got my baby and trying to really cut the toxicity level at home which I’m happy to say that I’m slowly giving in and switching my cleaning products even if I still have that itch to spray something else after using Castile soap. I’m just wondering what’s better in terms of washing baby stuff (bottles, teethers, pacis etc.) would be safe and effective? Many thanks! Super love the packaging, sourcing, concept, EVERYTHING!!! Keep up the great work!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lovely- Welcome to Dr. Bronner’s! Becoming a parent causes us to look at so many things differently, doesn’t it? Castile Soap and Sal Suds are equally safe and effective on cleaning all manner of baby necessities.

genki says:

Can Sal Suds be used in a foaming soap dispenser like the Castile soaps? I was thinking it could be handy at the kitchen sink.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi there – I haven’t put Sal Suds in a foamer, but a reader on the Facebook page mentioned that she does at a dilution of 1:3. You could probably cut that down even further since Sal Suds is so concentrated. Maybe 1:8. Whatever feels best to you.

Melissa says:

Hello! I would like to start using Sal Suds to clean my counters and kitchen. I noticed that you said to wipe surfaces down with a damp cloth. Unfortunately, right now, I do not have any rags/cloths and need to use paper towels. Do the paper towels need to be damp to remove the cleanser? If so, can you please explain why I need to use a damp towel versus a dry one? Thank you!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Melissa – Great question! Paper towels will work fine. Damp works better than dry because the water is like a magnet to the Sal Suds (or any soap/detergent). At a molecular level, one end of the molecule is attracted to water, while the other end is attracted to dirt. The water in the cloth will pick up the Sal Suds (with the dirt attached to the other end) better. After you wipe with a damp cloth, it’s totally up to you whether you want to dry the surface. Generally, if it’s a shiny surface, like my quartzite countertop in my kitchen, I dry it so it’s streak free. If it’s my tile counters in my bathrooms, I just let them air dry.

Abbey says:

This is so unbelievably helpful!!! Now I know why I have a soap scum layer on all my pots and pans!! You have been insanely helpful!!!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Abbey- I’m glad this post was helpful to you!

Karen says:

I understand that you can use either Sal Suds or Castile Soap on wood floors. However, if I have hard water, should I use Sal Suds instead of Castile? Would the Castile soap leave a residue with the water it’s diluted in? I like the idea of using a soap over a detergent, but don’t want to dull my floors.

Also, can I use Sal Suds in the dishwasher, or just for hand washing?

So lucky to have found this website. I have used your Castile soap for years, but very limited uses. I found the label a bit hard to read, so never knew all its uses. What great products.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Karen- You share kind words on my blog and here I am delayed in responding! I’m glad you find our soaps and my blog helpful. Castile soap leaves a residue primarily where water is left to dry, such as in sinks in showers. It’s not an issue on floors because the Castile is diluted and you’re not leaving puddles of water on the floor. Sal Suds works beautifully for washing dishes by hand, but unfortunately, it’s too bubbly for the dishwasher and we don’t recommend it.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Tracy- Sal Suds is safe to use on nearly every surface that can get wet. It is safe on all stones, and I use it on my wood floors and cutting boards. Perhaps consider a spot test to be sure. &#8212 HOWTO catch up on coronavirus fast if you’ve been living under a rock or enslaved says:

[…] toilet soap; Lisa Bronner of the Bronner family, consumer education / advertising, especially this post; under-5-minutes video, by TV personality and chef Alton Brown. This research should be continued […]

Paul Hostetter says:

I love you’re Sal Suds. Did you know it’s is actually a great killer for cockroaches and ants? This was an accidental discovery of mine.

What would be the best thing to add for disinfecting? Rubbing alcohol? Vodka? How much would I add exactly to a standard sized spray bottle?

I love you’re products, thank you.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Paul- That’s great to hear! I have to say, I have not had the opportunity to test that one. Add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil to the Sal Suds dilution for an extra microbial punch, but according to the regulated definition of the EPA, Sal Suds isn’t one. For more on soap, visit my blog post, Ditch the Antibacterial: Soap is all you need at

LeNelle L Cagle says:

How did you use it for cockroaches and ants?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi LeNelle- I hope Paul sees and responds here. While I’ve not tried this on roaches, I do know from personal experiences that a dilution of Castile Soap and water eliminates ants. In a spray bottle, mix 1/4 c. (60 mL) of your favorite Castile soap and 1 quart (1L) of water. Spray and wipe with a damp cloth. (My post, It Actually Works, covers this in more detail: This dilution also happens to be an effective all-purpose cleaner for counters and such.

Andrea Whittington says:

@Paul Hostetter – How did you use it to kill roaches?

Katy says:

Your sal suds has been leaving a white residue on my clothes and they are a bit stiffer than with regular detergent as well. Do you have a solution for this??

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Katy- Many conventional laundry detergents have synthetic fabric softeners added, which Sal Suds does not. It can take awhile to get used to a different feel. Vinegar is a great natural fabric softener. Add 1 cup in the fabric softener compartment (1/2 cup for an HE machine).

Melissa says:

I have been trying to use Castile for my dishes but my hard water creates that film. I’m really excited to get some sal suds to try now, but want to know if it is safe for me to handwash the dishes in or if I need gloves or something to protect my hands. So glad I found this post!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Melissa- Sal Suds is safe to use, but if you find it drying to hands, use lotion.

Kimberly says:

Does Sal Suds come in an Unscented version like the castile soap? I am very sensitive to smells and usually only buy unscented products.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kimberly- Sal Suds is scented with Siberian Fir Needle and Siberian Leaf essential oils and has a light, natural pine scent. There are no plans for an unscented version at the moment. But our Castile Soap is available in Unscented.

4 Natural and Zero Waste Dishwashing Soaps - Pforwords says:

[…] For a more in depth explanation of the difference between the two, see this article. […]

Cathy says:

Would the Sal Suds or Castile Soap be safe and but effective for cleaning hardwood floors and marble floors? I don’t want to harm the finish on my hardwood floors.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Cathy- For both wood and marble you want something that is not acidic – and both Castile Soap and Sal Suds are alkaline. Use 1/2 cup Castile soap or 1/2 Tbsp. Sal Suds in 3 gallons of water. With the wood in particular, take care to wipe up any puddles or pooling which can damage wood flooring.

Tracy says:

I’ve been using Sal’s Suds for laundry detergent for the past few days and really like it. I keep hearing laundry needs enzymes to help break down stains and body oil left on clothes. Is this true? If I only use Sal’s Suds am I not getting my clothes completely clean? (I also use baking soda in the drum and vinegar in the softener section of the machine).

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Tracy- Enzymes are not necessary. Sal Suds does a great job of grabbing onto dirt and oils and washing them away, especially with the extra measures you take.

Diane says:

I have a house cleaning business. I have been in search of just one cleaner that will do it all. I have been using Sal Suds with great results. However I am concerned about the disinfecting part. My thoughts are instead of using water and Sal says I will use a cheap vodka, which has disinfecting properties with the Sal suds as a multipurpose cleaner. Will the Vodka affect the cleaning properties of Sal suds

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Diane- It’s great to hear you’ll be cleaning with natural products! That’s better for you and your clients. Vodka does have some disinfecting properties, and it can be mixed with Sal Suds. However, certain proportions are beneficial, and others detrimental. Adding alcohol up to 5% of the Sal Suds amount can increase the cleaning ability. Any more than that, and the alcohol will kill the foaming property and decrease the cleaning effect of Sal Suds. The mopping recipe calls for ½ Tbsp of Sal Suds in 3 gallons of hot water, so you wouldn’t want to add more than a couple of drops of alcohol or you’d knock out the cleaning properties of the Sal Suds. At such a small amount, the alcohol wouldn’t offer any added benefit. And you don’t really need it. Sal Suds does a great job all on its own tackling any matter of dirt, grime and germs. This blog post covers how it works: Last week I did an interview with Angela Brown of Ask A House Cleaner about our products that you might find helpful. You can find it on her YouTube channel.

Diane Brown says:

Thank your for your reply. I have read that a lot of people are putting one drop thieves oil for every ounce cleaner for disinfectant. What are your thoughts on this? I do want to add that I made the multipurpose spray and use it on all the windows and mirrors with no streaking. I am quick to wipe off with a microfiber cloth. It appears that I will only need to carry one cleaner with me for most everything. Thanks

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Diane- It’s great to hear you’re having success with the All-Purpose Spray! Adding a few drops of Thieves oil can’t hurt, and may well help with a cleaning boost.

Zero Waste Dish Soap Alternatives - Dish Soap Bars and Bulk Liquid Soap says:

[…] Sal’s Suds is a biodegradable cleaner sold in a concentrated form in gallon sized jugs. When diluted, this product works extremely well on dishes, in bathrooms, on floors, on cars, and so much more. It is different than Castile soap, so you don’t have to worry about soap scum. For more information, read this article on the differences between Sal’s Suds and Castile Soap. […]

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Adriana- Sal Suds is our all-purpose household cleaner, and we don’t recommend it for hair and skincare.

Kathy says:

Thank you, Lisa for your article. Which product will be better to use to to dissolve in water cold pressed neem oil?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Kathy- Either the Sal Suds or Castile soap would work.

Kelly Belshe says:

I’m living in New Zealand and not able to find Sal Suds (without exuberant shipping costs). I’d like to use it for laundry but since I can’t get it, am I able to substitute with something else? I am able to get castille soaps.


[…] When to use Castile Soap and when to use Sal Suds. […]

Diane Abb says:

So we love Dr Bronner’s and want to switch to using this product for our laundry.
I have sensitive skin and when I use your Castle Soap on my laundry it comes out so nice and soft.
Do you think the Sal Suds will give the same effect?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Diane- Sal Suds is my go-to for laundry. It rinses exceedingly clean, leaving fabrics soft and free of residue.

Allyson Kauwe says:

I bought the Castile soap to put in my homemade laundry detergent, and then I read your post on the Sals Suds. So, I am wondering would it be beneficial to put both in my laundry detergent?

Itzy says:

Hi Lisa I accidentally mixed sal suds to shampoo rather than Castile soap, how bad is this?

I know Sal suds is a household cleaner and not intended for Hair or body. And will discontinue the mix I created

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Itzy- The Sal Suds is more drying to the skin, but otherwise it is not toxic. You likely will need more of a conditioner afterwards.

Martha says:

I love cleaning with your peppermint castile liquid soap. I just purchased my first bottle of Sals Suds. After mopping my floors with Sals, do I have to rinse/mop as well? I have dogs in my home and don’t want them picking up anything on their paws that can be harmful. Thank you! –Also, I just tried the rose bar soap for the first time. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!! It was so creamy and left my skin feeling so soft. Thank you!


[…]  GOING GREEN – is a site written by LISA BRONNER  […]

Ash says:

For some cleaning purposes, I like to use two different cleaning agents. Is it possible to use castile soap and Sal Suds simultaneously. I know that castile soap and vinegar cannot be used at the same time because they cancel each other out. Does the same happen when using castile soap and Sal Suds together at the same time (e.g., in laundry)? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Ash- Both are exceedlingly effective cleaners all on their own. There’s no need to mix them. But chemically speaking, there are no adverse effects if you were to do so.

Stephanie Tang says:

Hi there Lisa,

I love your posts and the amount of detail you include. Very helpful, thank you!
Do you own cats? I’m conscious that cats are sensitive to a lot of smells and essential oils. While I do not use any bronner’s products ON my cat (yes I know the unscented Castile soap is ok), I’m also wondering how sensitive cats are exactly and whether it’d be ok to use bronner’s soaps (Castile and sal suds) on items that the cat will use? Looking forward to your reply.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Stephanie- It’s great to hear you find my posts helpful! The behavior of my two cats – who very much enjoy sleeping on freshly washed bedding, gobbling from their food dishes, and lounging on the clean tile flooring without a care in the world – leads me to believe they are not sensitive to the scent of our soaps. Cute cat habits aside though, the soap is most often diluted upon use and then rinsed off, leaving little to no scent behind.

Joshua Howard says:

I live the eco-friendly lifestyle and like green cleaning. Thank you that you use recycled bottles for your castile soap! It’s very important for me because I avoid using plastic. I have a question can I wash my hair with your soap?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Joshua – Well done! If everyone does their part, we all add up to massive change. Yes, the soap can wash hair, too! I made the switch a very long time ago, and my long hair is in great shape. I wrote about it in my post From Shampoo to Soap. One key to remember is that it takes hair a bit to acclimate. YOu might want to alternate with your current shampoo for a couple weeks before you switch completely.

Fiona says:

Hi Sal Suds sounds great but comes in a plastic bottle and I’m trying to cut back on plastic… would Castile soap in a bar work for dishes do you think even if not as well?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Fiona – The bar soap works pretty well on dishes, though perhaps not quite as well as the Sal Suds. I recommend keeping a bar by the sink and using a dish brush. Wet the brush. Run it across the bar of soap, and you’ll have a good amount of soap for getting those dishes clean.

Wayne A. Rhoden says:


When grilling out, I wash my grill’s grates in my backyard, over my grass. In the past, when I used a store-bought detergent for dishes, it would kill my grass where it was rinsed off the grates. Since Sal Suds is a detergent, will it also kill my grass? Or, since it’s so mild, will I be okay? It sounds as though it will cut through the grease on the grates better than your Castile soap, so that’s why I’m asking. Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Wayne- Sal Suds is tougher on grease, although both Sal Suds and Castile are biodegradable and won’t harm plants or grass.

Elizabeth Holcomb says:

I was considering trying your Castile soap as my skin is dry, but then I noticed it has palm oil. Growers who plant palm orchards are destroying huge swaths of jungle which is endangering orangutans & many other species that live in the jungles. I will not purchase any products that contain palm oil. I’m sure you can find a way to eliminate it, so let me know when that happens. I’ll try it then. Thanks for listening.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Elizabeth- This is such an important issue. I’m glad you brought it up. This is a concern that we share. The vast majority of palm oil used in food and body care products is sourced from southeast Asia with devastating results. I am happy to say that there are ways to produce palm oil that do not have this impact. In searching for options, our company partnered with small scale farmers in Ghana and founded Serendipalm, a sister company, that is producing palm oil in a way that promotes health not only to the environment and farmers, but also to the communities around it. Please read more about it here: And here’s a video of our work in Ghana: Sustainable Palm Oil: The Difference Fair Trade Makes (

Anna says:

Hi there, I’m on a mission to go green with my household cleaners and have been working up to buying Sal Suds. But I suddenly realised I hadn’t read anywhere that you can use it in a dishwasher, and on googling found some recipes using your Castile soap. However in this post you highlight Sal Suds for dishes…can you use it in the dishwasher? Also we are about to make new kitchen worktop out of old scaffolding boards – can you use either one on (an oiled) wooden surface? Thanks!

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Anna- It’s great to hear you’re on a green mission! Sal Suds is my go-to for handwashing dishes, but unfortunately, it is too bubbly for the dishwasher. You can search for one in the EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning ( Your new kitchen worktop sounds beautiful! From what I’ve read, the recommended cleaning for re-purposed scaffolding is soap and water, in which case Sal Suds and water would work great. I do recommend spot testing it first though. Let me know how it works for you.

Arun says:

it is advised to use a liquid soap when mixing Neem oil concentrate with water. Should I use Sal Suds or Castile Soap for this?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Arun- It depends on what you will be using the soap and Neem oil for. If it is for use on the skin or body, use the Castile soap. Sal Suds is our all-purpose household cleaner.

Christina Carl says:

Can Sal Suds be used in hand soap? I know you explained in previous comments that head to toe you use Castile Soap but when washing dishes by hand with the Sal Suds in an essential oil dish detergent recipe it is touching our hands of course.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Christina- It is safe, but more drying to hands than our Castile soap. Although no more so than a conventional soap.

Susan Isomaa says:

I live on Vancouver Island in Canada and would like to purchase Dr. Bonner’s Sal Suds. Can you tell me where I can buy it? I’m in Sidney/Victoria area.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Susan- Our products are usually found in the body care section of most natural grocers, supermarkets and pharmacies. A distributor in your area also can tell you what stores in your area carry our products. Here’s a list of distributors:

Lori Benyshek says:

I was surprised to see sodium lauryl sulfate in the ingredient list for Sal Suds. I’ve seen it on the list of questionable ingredients for personal care products. It makes me very hesitant to buy Sal Suds. Can you explain why it is an ingredient in an all natural product?

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lori- It’s great to hear you’re a fellow label reader! First, Sal Suds not a true soap like our Castile soaps. It is a biodegradable, all-purpose household detergent – meaning it is synthetic. But not everything synthetic is bad, in the way that not everything natural is good. Sal Suds is formulated with SLS because of its keen ability to cut through grease and grime and to generate suds. SLS can be a skin irritant for some people because it can be so drying. It is so good at picking up oils that it pulls them right out of our skin. You won’t find SLS in any of our personal care products, and personal care products (shampoos, soaps, toothpaste and such) that include it should be avoided. Studies have consistently shown that SLS is safe to use in low concentrations and in products that are meant to be rinsed off – both of which are true of Sal Suds. Of course our all-natural Castile soap does an excellent job of household cleaning as well. For a deeper dive into SLS, refer to my blog post here:

Lori Benyshek says:

Thank you for your response! I did read on some of the older questions/answers and you addressed the SLS questions very well! I have absolutely no hesitation now to purchase Sal Suds! I’m glad your company is so concientious about product quality and being earth friendly!

Lisa says:

We will be putting in Dekton countertops in our home and I was wondering if the Castile or Sal Suds work on this surface.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Lisa- Either Sal Suds or Castile soap will clean your beautiful new countertops… well, beautifully!

Andrea says:

Does Sal Suds have a germ-killing, antibacterial properties in it? In other words, do the EO’s have those properties? Thanks.

Lisa Bronner says:

Hi Andrea- The term “antibacterial” means that the product must kill 99.9% of germs. The term “disinfectant” means that the product must kill 99% of germs. Dr. Bronner’s soap (Castile soap and Sal Suds) is part of the “disinfectant” category. Soap works by removing. It latches on to dirt, grime, germs, etc. and takes them away. It’s the soap that’s doing the heavy lifting here, not the essential oils. The only thing that kills bacteria is a pesticide, and soap is not a pesticide. That means the short answer is, no, soap will not kill bacteria or anything else. Soap eliminates it, though. This is a question I get a lot – and it’s a good one – so I wrote about it in-depth recently:

About Lisa Bronner

My grandfather was Dr. Bronner, my family makes soap, and I share ways to use it plus tips on greener living.

Learn about my book, Soap & Soul!

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Castile Soap Cheat Sheet

Dilute! Dilute! OK! But how much? Print this guide!


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Sal Suds Cheat Sheet

Sal Suds, Sal Suds, How do I love thee?